Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weigh in for the odd ottleys

Well I lost a pound, I think Erin said she lost a pound too. That makes a total of 5 for me since we started. I ate good at the beginning of the week then as usual it tapers off at the end of the week into bad eating which leads to sabotage! So I need to eat good ALL week, that's all there is to it. I didn't exercise once this week, we've all been sick all week and I just wasn't up for it. Gonna start again tomorrow on the Elliptical and doing more smoothies. Hi five!

It was a ton of fun seeing the Simmons on Thursday and having them sleep over, they are dedicated, working out like crazy and even saying "NO" to Nelson's frozen custard! Are they crazy?! No, just strong. heh. I'm gonna ignore sugar this week, and work out.



  1. Yay for recommitment! HA, the Simmons are pretty amazing with their dedication. Good luck this week. LOVE YOU!

  2. Haha! Thanks Ryan. You'd think we'd loose more with all of that dedication. That's ok, it's comin' off slowly but surely. It was really fun hanging out! Love ya bro. :)

  3. Good job Ottley's! You seem to be moving along slowly just like most of us. Luf you, keep on keepin' on!
