Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Healthy Snacks!

OK, so I've heard a couple of you (Ryan and Robyn - hahhehehehaaaaaa!) are having a hard time in the sweets department! I think we all need to make a post about some yummy snacks or sweets that are low calorie and still good.

One thing I count as a "treat" for me is yogurt. Sounds boring, but when you're trying to make healthy choices, it's really good! And Burke found these Fiber Plus Antioxidant bars at Sams Club. They have 130 calories in one, 35% of daily fiber and they're yummy. I count it as a bread and two fats on my little chart I'm using. Anyway, that's just a couple of things, so there ya go! What are some good HEALTHY snacks you guys like?


  1. Well I like to have vanilla yogurt with frozen raspberries as a dessert. It is so yummy. I will have to have mom take me to Sams club so I can get those bars. I need something like that. Thanks Jean

  2. Oh, and don't forget your gum! It really gets rid of the feeling like you need something sweet after a meal. Yum, yum. :)

  3. Oh, AND, I just dried some apricot puree/applesauce to make fruit leather. I only added cinnamon. Just puree some old bottled fruit after dumping out the juice. Cover a cookie sheet with plastic wrap, and spread the puree, bake on lowest setting (170) overnight. Cut up into strips or squares & keep in a baggy. Mmmmmm. I found some really healthy recipes on foodnetwork.com. They have some yummy dessert ideas, mainly using yogurt & fruit, looks so good.

  4. I was chewing gum today and it helped a lot. Thanks for the tips and ideas.

  5. Just so you all know, chewing tells your body to start churning and get ready for food, so it creates more acid to prepare. Not a terrible thing, just something to keep in mind if you plan on chewing gum lots in a day, might not be the best idea.
    Snacks for me is fruit, or Veggies with Hummus. Sometimes nuts, which I then overeat! BAH! So I need to ration them because trusting myself to just take a handful is ridiculous!

    If I'm craving something bad I'll brush my teeth right then, that way I wont feel like eating anything.

    So far I've lost 2 pounds. I did eat Pizza last night though, so I probably gained back 2 pounds from that! BAH!


  6. Hey, gum works for me and I've never felt hungry from eating it. So I'm gonna keep it up. It's funny how our body's react so differently to things, interesting! Yah, I have to measure everything out and then that's what I eat or I just keep thinking I can have just a few more. Way to go on the 2 pounds! I'm not going to weigh in until Sunday though, my weight goes up and down too much. I'm excited too though! :

  7. I'm with Jenni, I won't get on that scale until Sunday. haha I'm scared!!

  8. A multi-grain Wasa cracker, spread one wedge of Laughing Cow cheese, top with chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, add a little pepper and enjoy! SO good. In a baggie crush a couple of Melba toast crackers into crumbs, add some Stevia and cinnamon then pour it over a sliced apple, put in the microwave until apple is tender and it's like a little cobbler thingy! Yum. Cottage Cheese is always a good back up and if you want something sweet, I cut a banana up into little squares and add a little bit of chopped walnuts and it taste like banana bread! Mmmmm. Or I'll just add some berries, those make anything nummy. I also agree with the yogurt and the gum. Those have always been good go-to snacks for me when I'm in a hurry or craving something quick. An apple always does the trick too or ice water with a little squeezed lemon and some Stevia in there, that gives the sweet after flavor I miss sometimes when I'm being super healthy. There's a few ideas for ya!

  9. Jenni, I didn't say Gum makes you hungry, I said there are studies that say chewing makes your body start to get ready for digestion, acids fill up in your stomach and start to churn, something you wont be able to feel. This can lead to ulcers and other stomach problems. Again I think this is excess chewing, I doubt a little is a problem.

  10. OH, got it Ryan. Sorry I didn't understand that. And Tiff, thanks for all of the snack ideas. That cracker thing with the laughing cow cheese(I love that stuff) with the veggies...YUM - if I could salivate, I would be right now!!! I've got to get that stuff.
