Friday, January 7, 2011

Ding Dong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I had a 1/2 piece of cake today. It was yummy. And I told myself no more, that was my treat. And then it happened!!! I opened the cupboard to get the peanut butter for Emily's sandwich and.......I saw the box of Ding Dongs!! Emily was incharge of bringing a treat to preschool yesterday and I had to get two boxes because there are 16 kids but there are 12 Ding Dongs in a box. So I was left with almost a full box of Ding Dongs. Well, I forgot about them until NOW! I already had a 1/2 piece of cake. I tried to get my mind off of them. I realized that I was hungry so I ate a salad and a handful of pasta with sweet n' sour sauce from last night. It was very tastey and I was full. My mind went back to the Ding Dongs in the cupboard. I was literally going crazy for a Ding Dong. Can you believe it??? I thought, "I hate eating healthy, it's no fun!!!" And then I had the thought to just eat the darn thing and get it over with, then you'll feel sick and you'll regret it. Well......I would LOVE to tell you that I feet sick....I would LOVE to tell you that I feel guilty.....but....I DON'T!!! hahahaha This is hard!! Happy self-control everyone!!


  1. Hahaha! I was so ready to read some great and inspiring story like "Dong Dong!" And it hit me that I don't NEED those things and can control myself. Nope. But atleast you only had one I guess! Ha. I had to throw the rest of the stupid cornbread away cause no one was even eating it and I kept thinking about the blasted stuff. I have no control either, I just have to get rid of it all together. Good luck with the 11 other Ding Dongs in your cupboard. Let each kid have 2 and throw the last one out. Problem solved! Love you!

  2. Thanks for the advice Tiff. I had the kids eat the rest of the Ding Dongs after school. Whew! No more Ding Dong worries. I'm okay. Now I just have to get rid of the cake. haha

  3. Oh, that was funny. Thanks for the laughs! Yah, Ding Dongs would NOT do well in my cupboard either. Yah, what the heck, we have TWO birthday's during this thing!!! One thing I did once though is to make the cake in two round pans and then freeze one - so you only have half of a cake to worry about instead of a whole one and use the other half for another day!!! SWEET! I'm going to have to do that for Kaiya and Kaleb's b-day's. I'll have Kaleb's already made in the freezer! I'm sure he won't mind.

  4. It's hard staying home all day. It would be easier to bring all the food you need with you so there would be no temptations. Kids are definately a great way to get rid of the goods! LOVE YOU!
