Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jenni - Week 4

Hello there folks. I didn't have time to post this morning before church, but it was fun coming home and finding all of these awesome posts! SO GREAT!!! The biggest thing it sounds like is we are taking control of our bodies and showing them whose boss! It feels AWESOME!!! I lost 2 pounds this week and I'm SO excited. It's averaged out to be 2 per week for me, so 8 total so far. I know that's not a ton, but I really feel a change - I lost another inch off of my belly also, a total so far of 3 inches during this four weeks. My "fat pants" are getting baggy and I'm able to fit in my "normal" pants now. I just really feel good. This journey has been really fun. I even turned down desert at a reception! It was a great week. :)


  1. Wow, you are so consistent, which is great! Way to be in control!

  2. She failed to mention that her bra has also gotten too big! Something us guys are just going to have to deal with and accept if our wives keep losing weight! HA HA.

  3. Good job Jenni! 8 pounds is awesome! And your fat pants were WAY baggy, the bum was saggy as can be. Ingrid kept commenting that you looked so great...oh, and she loved your hair like that. It was fun seeing you for a bit and spending a little one on one time with you, even if Robyn had to sacrifice her Saturday to run after a bunch of crazy kids for it! Thank you Robyn I love you!!!

  4. HAAAAAAAA!!!! Burke told me to look at his comment - I just busted up laughing. Good thing, nothing is kept secret here! That is too funny. :)

    And thanks Tiff, I love my hair too. I wish you could do my hair every day so it looked cute! Bah! I try my best though. LOVE YOU!!!

  5. Good job Jean! Looks like you and me are tied for 8 lbs so far. Yeeehhaaawwww! Luf you
