Sunday, January 9, 2011

Robyn - Week 1

Hello there!! I lost 4 lbs!!! I must be doing something right. I haven't been measuring because I'm lazy. Here's hoping I won't get sick of this healthy eating stuff. Now I REALLY don't feel bad about eating that Ding Dong. haha


  1. That's it, I'm going to buy me a box of Ding Dongs! Those things are magic!!! Way to go Robyn - Woooohoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

  2. Um... I forgot Burke was logged in. That was me talking about the Ding Dongs - haha, oops!

  3. Wow, you get to have your cake & eat it too! Hee. Way to go Robbboooo! That's AWESOME!
