Sunday, January 23, 2011

1/4 done

I have been reading everyones post... great job. Step by step is all it takes and we will all reach the goals we have set for ourselves. It is all a mind set and a "good healthy" competition. Well this week for me I did cardio only, except for Saturday I did some weights also. The results were awesome at 7 pounds. Myself and Juli seem to have the same mind set when it comes to food... stop thinking of the things you can't (shouldn't) eat, and start looking at all the good things you can eat. I seem to eat more now then I did, just the diffrence in food is all it is. Keep working everyone. To quit shouldn't be in your mind. In law enforcement we all have the same goal it seems. Live long enough to earn the retirement you worked for. Being healthy is the only way we can do that. Whatever motivates you, keep that in your mind. Laters.


  1. I LOVE YOU!!! Just so you all know, Arik hasn't weighed this ever in our whole marriage. He is a few pounds less than when we first got married. You're amazing babe. Love you!

  2. You are rockin it Arik! Way cool.


  3. What in the world??? That is so awesome! Go, go, gooooooooo Arik!!!!!!!!!! I feel like a cheerleader, awesome.

  4. This is Erin writing under Ryan's account,
    I am so happy for you! You are an inspiration.

