Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just some stuff

Soooo, I've been pretty excited to do this biggest loser thing with all of you.....until it started. I've been pretty negative and it hasn't gone very well. I've had a difficult time exercising because I can't breathe that well. Jenni warned me that I should buy an inhaler but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I am just beginning to see the brighter side of things. I turned on Tiff's Jillian Michaels 30 day shred this morning and thought I'd give it another try. I tried it out on Monday but was only able to do about 10 minutes, if that. I had a really hard time. But this morning I did about 15 minutes. One thing Tiff and Jenni taught me is to eat a banana after you exercise. Tiff told me a really good thing to eat after you exercise is a banana with cottage cheese and walnuts. It is sooooo good and it is filling. Anyway, that's all.


  1. Nutrition is always more important in actual weight loss than exercise(both are essential to staying healthy, but we are talking weight loss here). Both are good, but if you compare them, nutrition is the main key. If I workout daily but eat crap, I'll lose NO weight at all. If i eat clean good healthy food and NOT workout, I'll STILL lose weight! If I do BOTH!? HECK YES! nutrition is key though, don't eat crap, you'll be fine, if you add a workout, you'll be even better off(and feel better). So yeah, don't beat yourself up.
    I lost tons of weight in 09 by myself without exercise or any other thing(that weight loss shot stuff was the year earlier and I only did it for 20 days, and I lost a pound a day, after that i decided to keep the eating habit of low carbs and high clean eating and lost 50 more pounds on my own.) it was just eating small and clean. No sugar, less carbs. Tons of salads and chicken/fish. Just saying, you can lose weight without exercise. And you know what? Walking is even a GREAT exercise!
    I have an Elliptical, and I use it all the time now, 30 min every morning(except weekends, and when I'm feeling extra lazy), and I've been gaining weight! Because I've been enjoying way too much food lately. I mainly use the Elliptical to loosen my aging body up, without it my muscles go tight and I need massages much more often.(my desk job doesnt help) Also I'm using it so I can sweat, and cardio is just good for circulation and many other things to staying healthy. Hopefully good eating combined with 30 min a day on it will enhance the weightloss. I just need to stick with the rules I set for myself with eating, if not, the workouts are useless for weightloss.


  2. I agree Ryan! I have exercised with my friends every morning for 1 1/2 years and the only time I lose weight is when I change my eating. It does burn calories of the day and help maintain, but will really help when healthy eating is involved. Exercise has mainly helped my joint pain. I have been doing so good in that area for 1 1/2 years - every once in a while my joints will flare up, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. I enjoy exercise also. It helps my energy level and makes me feel like I did something good for me. I'm glad you're just doing what you can Robyn and that it's getting better. Go get your inhaler and do that 10 or 15 minutes before you exercise. I'd be curious to see if it helps you go a little longer.

  3. Mmmmmm, that sounds yummo! I really want to put walnuts in everything now. Too bad I gave them all away at Christmastime!!! Arg! Anyway, I would LOVE an elliptical. Our bike broke. I need to at least go walking, but it is too cold. Bah! Exercise really does make you feel better, and more confident, like you can do anything if you put your mind to it. A little is better than nothing. LOVE YOU!

  4. Thanks for your comments. I know I need to eat healthy to lose weight but it sucks that I have the worst eating habits and my self-control is out of order most of the time (well that's how it feels). I told my friend what you guys told me. And she said she hates everything I told her and that she wants to eat junk and exercise. She WANTS the junk. haha I feel the same way sometimes.

  5. K, Robyn it must be in the family cause there are times that I have to get EXTREMELY strict with myself and say NO sugary food for a while, just so I can control my cravings! Ask Ryan, when he's being really good, he'll smell stuff but won't touch an ounce of it cause he says if he starts, he can't stop. I'm the same way at times! I have to step back and say no more until I have control again. I read this article about how women have a ton of cravings and most of them are for chocolate or some sort of sweet, sugary food, and that it has alot to do with are hormonal imbalances and all of the stress in our lives. (I'm sure men are included to in all of this, it's just that it was on a healthy WOMEN'S website, so don't get offended boys. Ha.) That's what I love exercise for. It seems to balance me out, relieves some of my stress, gives me more energy, releases endorphins (they make you happy!) and helps me have the desire to eat healthier that day, cause why work out if I'm just gonna screw it up with eating crappy, right!? Still, I have to agree with Ryan, exercise is so great for your body and can do wonders health wise, for your heart, joints, muscle, mind, and on and on, but focus on good eating and you'll still lose weight without it. other way around? Not so much. Focus mostly on the food. That's where your results will come from. And take it easy on the rest. So what if all you do is 15 minutes a day? 15 minutes is 15 minutes! And our bodies are some pretty amazing things, you will progress, even if little by little, you will be able to do more and improve. That's just what happens! So keep it up sister, I believe in you!!! Love you!...and go get that stinkin' inhaler already, would ya!?! Ha.
