Sunday, January 23, 2011

3rd Week Done!

It seems like this Biggest Loser contest is going pretty slow. I didn't keep track as carefully of my eating last week but felt like my portion sizes were smaller than they used to be. I know some of you think I don't have anything to lose and feel like your hustling me out of my $15 dollars, but you haven't seen me naked! I've got weight to lose. I ate so much cake on Kaiya's birthday and felt sick afterwards and still managed to lose 2 lbs. My workouts have been harder the last week. I get tired easily towards the end of the workout and I'm sweating like crazy. It's awesome. It feels so good to push your body that much. Yesterday I did an upper body workout and pushed the weights up and I'm sore today and love the feeling. It doesn't make any sense but our bodies are designed to feel good while feeling sore from work?


  1. Nice job Burke. I told me wife that all bets are off when Super Bowl Sunday is here (2 weeks). Keep doing awesome.

  2. Hahaha, you're awesome Burke, good job!
