Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jenni - Week 3

I stayed the same this week. And really, I'm relieved! I was worried that I might gain. Now, if I am the same next week, I'll be ticked! Hahaha!!! But this week I wasn't feeling super awesome, I had a flare up in the beginning of the week and I couldn't even push myself to exercise, my body just feels exhausted and there's nothing I can do about it. So I let it run it's course, still ate healthy - made great choices at Bunko night even - I'm happy about that! I did eat cake for Kaiya's birthday, blah, but I feel like that's important to celebrate with them, so that was OK too. So by the end of the week I felt better and worked out really well. So hopefully this week I can get going again on the weight loss. :)


  1. Oh, but I still lost 1/2 inch off my belly. So Woot Woot to that!

  2. Wooo hoooo! You're doing awesome Jen. I think that's the key, when we're feeling crummy, don't eat how we feel, eat healthy so we can feel healthy! I'm not one to talk at all, you're doing great!

  3. Good job Jenni. You're awesome!!
