Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I am SO proud of ALL of you!!! I have sucked so far and really I could make excuses, like how Prednisone makes me crave JUNK!...but dang it, someone else here's doing it, eating healthy and taking alot more blasted Prednisone than I am, so that excuse is shot. What's another good one then? Bahaha. I did some crunches last night so that's good!...but can't do much in way of cardio since my joints suck and I have NO extra energy in me at the moment. I finally have an appointment to see an Internal Medicine doctor tomorrow though so it's looking up! Blue skies, nothing but blue skies...lalalalalala. Haha. Keep up the awesome work kids! You inspire me! I love you and am excited to see what the scales present to you come Sunday. Woot woot! Are we wearing our hot pants and sports bras to Dad's house and weighing there? I can bring a CD of suspenseful music so we all are super nervous as we wait to see our final number on the scale! Good idea? Ha! What about before pics? Did everyone take theirs? My camera can do black and white shots! And Jenni has an awesome 80's leotard she wanted to wear for her before pic, right Jenni!? Hahaha! I crack myself up, with all of my own inside jokes. I really should go to bed. SLEEP! That truly is important, to get enough sleep while trying to lose weight. For real, look it up. You burn more calories sleeping than you do sitting on the couch watching TV. Is that crazy or what!?! Ok, maybe I really am gonna go to bed now. G'night!


  1. I really wish I could sleep. I'll blame the 4 lbs I just found outI gained on that...and the baby I guess. Ha. Arik has been doing great except for the snack part. I think he felt like it was bad to eat them. So, he'd get irritable because of hunger, and I told him he NEEDS to eat satisfying snacks - not just gum. With reduced meal portions, you get hungry between meals. So, I have a whole list on the fridge of ideas for him so he can grab/make something when it's time for one. So, just so you all know, don't forget your snacks!

  2. We wont be at Dad's, I have a con this weekend, and Erin is going to Idaho while I'm gone. I'll be back Monday, so I wont weigh until Tuesday morning. Just so y'all know!


  3. Tiff, I love your jokes. You sure can deliver a good joke. It kind of bugs me, will you let someone else be funny once in a while??? hahaha Luf you

  4. So you burn more calories sleeping than sitting on the couch? What if you're moving your thumbs and index fingers while sitting on the couch, does that make a difference? I gotta stop staying up till midnight.

  5. Hey, thanks for the post Tiff. I really think you need to bring the suspenseful music for the last weigh in! That would be REALLY FUNNY!!! And I'll keep an eye out at the DI for the leotards, hopefully I can get matching ones for all of us. Good luck at the Dr.'s. Let us know how it goes. Hey is Erin in this with us still??? She needs to get on here too and give us some blog love. :)

  6. Hey Steve, good question on the thumb moving - you'll have to do a study on that. Hahaha!!!! Go to bed!!!!!!!

  7. I think the stats are wrong.... of course you burn more calories sleeping than watching TV. I sleep for 6 to 8 hours a day, but only watch less than 1 hour of tv a day... but when I do watch tv, it is Power 90 that alone kills that stat... happy weight losing everyone
