Sunday, February 13, 2011

Super Bowl Results....

Well I don't know if I would call them "Super" but they were results. This week I worked out every single day like I have been from the beginning. I started my week off with a Super Celebration and enjoyed eating whatever I wanted to for one day. It was great. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I did my normal circuit training (sit ups, push up, curls and elliptical) for a total of six rotations. On Tuesday and Thursday and did my normal elliptical 30 minutes. Yesterday I thought it would be nice to go outside and do some running. I shaved 2 minutes off my 1.5 mile time from the last time I ran it three weeks ago. That is awesome. I was hoping for some awesome results this morning, however only came in with a 2 pound weight reduction. I am actually very happy about it. I am at a total of 28 pound right now which is very nice. The best part however is when I was running yesterday, it almost felt effortless when it came to recovery. With that said I have realized that the elliptical is a heaven sent piece of equipment because of the low impact it provides my knees. Today I am feeling aches from yesterdays run.

My plan this week is the same, I am actually going to up my reps on circuit days and try and go to muscle failure on each thing, each set. I am hoping for some big returns this week. That sounds like I am investing money into a high yield bank account for some big financial returns. Instead however, I will invest good eating habits and exercise for a longer healthier life. The returns I have already seen have been great results but the long term will be outstanding. I have a challenge for everyone... Invest in good food and exercise this week, and we will see the results next Sunday... and 50 years from now hopefully.


  1. Nice work Arik! I noticed running was way easier this week too. One day I just wanted to keep going, so I'd come home and get a drink and then head out again. I was gone for like 45 minutes, it was so much fun. Congrats on cutting down on your time. That's really cool.

  2. You are such a trooper (no pun intended; well maybe a bit of intentional pun-ishment). Thanks for carrying the flag, raising the bar and all those other loss-leader duties!
