Sunday, February 13, 2011

Renewed drive

So I started the week off with Super Bowl food on Sunday, followed by Sophie making brownies on Monday and me eating about 5-6. Going out for Sushi, Ice cream dots, and a Jazz game on Wednesday. Kind of cool we happened to be there for what turned out to be Sloan's last game with the Jazz. Then on Thursday I went to a graveside ceremony for my mom's aunt, followed by a trip to a Chinese Buffet with my mom, some of her siblings, and my grandparents. I weighed myself Friday morning and I was up 2 lbs. Well I didn't want to report a weight gain today, so I controlled myself much better Friday and Saturday and upon weighing in this morning, found I'd not only managed to lose the two I'd gained, but one more along with them. So I lost 1 pound for the week.


  1. Hey, Steve - life goes on, doesn't it. You and I made the "1 Pounder" club news this week! A celebration is in order - have another brownie or two! Another 6 weeks and we'll have this down; maybe our weight also!
