Sunday, February 13, 2011


Welp, I gained a pound. I didn't really try very hard this week. I tend to eat crummier when I have added stress (girls camp, yes already) and I have a Human Biology mid-term test coming up next Thursday. I have SOOooooo much to study. Here's hopin' I can keep my eating to a minimum on the junk food this week. Wish me luck.


  1. It's ok, you'll lose it again. Good luck Robina! Hang in there. Oh, I'm not going to church today, because we're sick. I will see if I can get that song book early this week. LOVE YOU sis!

  2. Bah, I've been eating SO BAD this week. I hope this week I can do better too, because I've got the stress of a Mother/Daughter Activity that I'm pretty much putting on alone. Ok, I'm done whining, LOVE YOU, you'll do great!

  3. Stress doesn't seem to affect me as much as tiredness; when I'm tired I want to eat because it makes me feel more awake, I guess! Good luck on having a successful junk food avoidance awareness week or two?????
