Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I've had a rough couple of weeks. Ever since the superbowl. I got sick and did nothing last week and still haven't got any energy yet this week. The last two nights all I could think about during my workouts was "for what reason?" Why am I doing this? Why did I want to push my body to get into better shape? I'm not on any sports team. Jenni will still love me even if I don't lose my gut. So this is my soul searching question I'm asking myself. Why am I doing this challenge? Here is a face swap I did with Tony Horton. Since I think he's in great shape at 46 yrs old in this picture? He doesn't eat too many sweets or fats which is something normal people like me crave all the time. I don't understand it, but get the idea that I'd feel better about myself if I didn't eat so much crap or when I did eat crap just not so much?


  1. Nice. Hahaha! It took me a minute to notice the face and name swap, but I see it now! That's funny. Yah, I ask myself that question sometimes too. But it comes down to just feeling good and not having to buy bigger and bigger clothing. That's not fun at all!

  2. That is so awesome! It took me a minute too with the picture! HA! This definately isn't an overnight change, it's making the right choices, then making them into habits. I think the junk food thing has been my habit, because I've done that my whole life, so to change that isn't easy. Keep it up Burke Horton!

  3. HAha hilarious. Well I thought the same thing, had the same whys. And I hear a lot of people say that, what's the point? My wife doesn't care what I look like? I realize what the point is now. And it has NOTHING to do with looks. It's so I don't get sick and have pain my whole life. So I can have my mind until I die. I realize the things America is fed is what is making most sicknesses. It's why there is more autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes than anywhere in the world. I refuse to believe people are getting these diseases because they just got unlucky, or it's their cross to bear. The food we get addicted to is acidic and disease causing. And once we get off of it, we crave it less. That's why people like Horton actually don't crave garbage, and HAVE a strong taste for clean food. I've noticed that myself, when I'm knee deep in addiction of sweets and crap food, I wont eat much healthy. Salads sound nasty unless I cover them in Ranch and even then I couldn't say I craved veggies or anything good. When I stop eating crap, my tastes for clean food become stronger. I've been reading a LOT over at and It's amazing what can be healed by eating clean. I'm reading 12 steps to whole foods and it's pretty amazing. I've started sprouting and blending instead of juicing. Juicing is good but there is so much fiber in the pulp that blending makes MUCH more sense. Anyway, sorry if I sound like I'm on a high-horse. I've just been reading a lot lately and I realize how much garbage food I eat and how I need to clean up my act of I'll get sick again like I was when I was obese. I do have occasional hip pains and a couple other problems I'm trying to get rid of and I think whole foods is the answer. And exercise of course! You should check out those sites Burke, especially, (it is for men too)Tons of info on there.

