"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams...Live the life you've imagined." Henry David Thoreau
Monday, February 28, 2011
I'm feeling more motivated at the moment though, so perhaps this next week will be better.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Win SOME, Lose SOME!
Those now pushin' or beyond the 10% mark are probably dreaming about how t0 spend the cash, but don't dream too big my friends, because there are sleeping giants all around you. Be careful of the big toes, the verbose trickery, and loose loss language, because you may witness 'shock and awe' when April rolls around.
Til' we meet 'round the scales again next Sunday, we remain truly yours,
BO n' GO
Lost 2
Jenni - week 8
Monday, February 21, 2011
As for the BOGO team: a tad plus for GO, and a tad minus for BO! In other words, a WASH for our team.... GO won't stand still long enough for measurements, but appearances tell the story--she's goin' down! She maintains a healthy attitude toward her teammate and still feeds him well, but smaller portions - we have a rule that one cannot lick their plate anymore!
BO is tracking many things, including water percentage; thought I was retaining water for some reason. It appears that an obese individual can have as little as 45% water; my percentage is increasing each week as I moved out of the obese body fat category. Around 55% water is normal for men, and around 51% for women due to higher "acceptable" body fat levels. I have now arrived in the "acceptable" level for body fat - under 25%. Also, my waist is almost true to the pant size I have been wearing for years; no more lying pants!
We get a kick out of reading your reports, knowing that your struggles and sorrows will be rewarded with joy, even though it may not be until the next life. Love to you all! BO n' GO
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Food Journal
I lost one pound this week. It may take me till around June to reach my target, but I intend to get there. I just wish my other New Years goals were going as well as this one.
Good Week
I learned something in Sunday School today. We talked about the miracles that Jesus did while here on earth. When we read the definition of Miracles in the Bible dictionary, it made me think about what we are doing to get weight loss and control. In the definition it states "Miracles should not be regarded as deviations from the ordinary course of nature so much as manifestations of divine or spiritual power. Some lower law was in each case superseded by the action of a higher (law)." Do you know what this mean? It means that with Heavenly Fathers help, all of us can get that "divine and spiritual power" to superseded the lower law we are use to and have miracles in our own lives. We all need to be in control our wants and desires, this is the higher law. When Jesus performed miracles, he didn't change the elements from one to another, he just had control of the elements he used to create miracles. Lets get more control over the elements we control and make a difference that makes us feel better everyday.
Just know one day you will be able to control the fat and tell it to leave, but until then lets do what we can do to get rid of the chub. Lets all kick butt this week. Arik
Need Help!
Jenni - week 7
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Robbed by a Nut!
Gailena results were stable, with a ZERO weight gain/loss; in actuality she lost 0.2% fat, but experienced a 0.2% higher water retention, so still on the downward trend. Her exercise routine was marginal, and she enjoyed a bit of chocolate and nuts in her diet. Life is good!!!!
Bratley lost that pound that Burke found. During weigh-in routine each morning of the past week, it appeared that a two pound weight loss would be realized. BUT the Brat inherited some pistachio nuts from his father-in-law, and the subtle saline coating reduced the expected results by a pound. Daily exercise was hampered by pain in the achilles tendon, but on the mend now.
One little square of Royal Dark, Cadbury Chocolate daily sometimes turns into two - it sure is yummy though; and it seems a fair trade for the high-levels of a sugary substance that used to run through our veins. Life is GOOD!!!!
Carry-on, little friends, in building better bodies; the trek to Missouri will be more enjoyable now! See ya 'round the bend!
Renewed drive
It's Back
Super Bowl Results....
My plan this week is the same, I am actually going to up my reps on circuit days and try and go to muscle failure on each thing, each set. I am hoping for some big returns this week. That sounds like I am investing money into a high yield bank account for some big financial returns. Instead however, I will invest good eating habits and exercise for a longer healthier life. The returns I have already seen have been great results but the long term will be outstanding. I have a challenge for everyone... Invest in good food and exercise this week, and we will see the results next Sunday... and 50 years from now hopefully.
Jenni - week 6
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Cookies for Jenni
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
1/2 c applesauce
1/3 c honey
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
3/4 c wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 c oatmeal
1/2 c raisins
Heat oven at 350. Mix applesauce, honey, egg, and vanilla; mix well. Add flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt; mix well. Finally mix in oats and raisins. Drop rounded tablespoonfuls onto cookie sheet & bake 10 min ('til golden brown). Super yummy. Or you can make bar cookies in an 8x8 pan, baking 30 min. I think I figured it to be about 80 cal per cookie. Anyway, hope this satisfies some cravings. Love you all.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Just a side note I was doing some research the other day and they talked about drinking your 64 oz of water per day. They said in doing just that, your body will burn an extra 500 calories in just drinking per week. Food for thought. Happy being healthy everyone. Later
Monday, February 7, 2011
0.2 +2.0 FOR GO N' BO
I Am Not an Advocate for Diet Soda (just the real stuff with all the High Fructose Corn Syrup)
I just want everyone to understand that I was just joking when I made my post (and still am in the title). As much as I do love soda (especially Mt. Dew and I will admit for the higher caffeine content) I don't think that drinking diet/regular soda everyday (and certainly not every 2-3 hours) is a healthy choice. I was just trying to support Steve in saying what the article said that a diet drink every once in a blue moon as a special treat is nothing to beat yourself up about. I'm sure there is something that everyone in this challenge eats occasionally that is just as bad health wise for you as a diet soda. And there is a zero calorie beverage that is very good for you: water.
That being said I'd like to share with you a rebuttal that one of my volleyball players (who is addicted to soda and doesn't yet know it) shot at me when I challenged all my girls to a no carbonated/caffeinated beverage policy for this last season. She told me vaguely that soda is used by athletes and she needed it too. She felt that she would not be as energetic without it on the court. She is my best athlete but I still feel she would be just as good without soda. I had already read a brief synopsis about what she was referring to that cyclists use soda to refuel themselves on their last few minutes of a long race. I found an article (or one that is more in depth) about this study and don't expect any of you to read the whole thing, but it is very interesting. These cyclists drink coke, sometimes "de-fizzed" or mixed with a sport drink, for an energy boost. The caffeine helps and the carbonation does nothing to their blood acidity. While exercising caffeine is only mildly diuretic. That being said I still do not think any soda (cola or MT DEW) is a good idea during exercise because I am not an athlete and definitely not a cyclist (I would hate to wear full body spandex).
Sunday, February 6, 2011
0.8 (I love the tenths digit)
Absence makes the food taste better
Sundays are Heavenly
Jenni - week 5
Robyn -
Saturday, February 5, 2011
What Does "Weight Loss" Really Mean?
I've been wondering what a good percentage of body fat would be, so checked out this website and found the following interesting information - thought I'd share:
Body fat measurements and the measuring tape are recognized as superior methods for measuring "weight loss". When one declares that they want to "lose weight", what they often mean is that they want to lose fat. So, now that you've had your body fat percentage measured, what does the number really mean?
First, your body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat your body contains. If you are 150 pounds and 10% fat, it means that your body consists of 15 pounds fat and 135 pounds lean body mass (bone, muscle, organ tissue, blood and everything else).
A certain amount of fat is essential to bodily functions. Fat regulates body temperature, cushions and insulates organs and tissues and is the main form of the body's energy storage. The following table describes body fat ranges and their associated categories:
*General Body Fat Percentage Categories
Classification | Women (% fat) | Men (% fat) |
Essential Fat | 10-12% | 2-4% |
Athletes | 14-20% | 6-13% |
Fitness | 21-24% | 14-17% |
Acceptable | 25-31% | 18-25% |
Obese | 32% plus | 25% plus |
Knowing your body fat percentage can also help you determine if your weight loss goals are realistic. Remember, weight loss doesn't always mean fat loss. For example:
Let's say you're a 130# woman with 23% body fat, and you goal is to "lose 20 pounds":
Initial body fat: 130# x 0.23 fat = 30 # body fat
Lean body mass: 130# total - 30# fat = 100# lean body mass (bones, organs and all else)
Goal: 130# - 20# = 110 pounds
As you can see, the goal of losing 20 pounds is not realistic or healthy. At 110 pounds, this woman still requires 100# of lean body mass (bones, organs, etc.), but would only be carrying 10#, or only 9% body fat. From the chart above, you can see that this is a dangerously low percentage.
A better goal might be for the woman to reduce her body fat from 23% to 18%. In this case:
130# x 0.18 = 23 # body fat
100# lean body mass + 23 # = 123# goal weight
So, for this individual to achieve a lean, but healthy 18% fat, she would need to lose only 7 pounds of fat, reducing her weight from her current 130 pounds to 123 pounds. Losing more than 7 pounds means losing lean body mass (usually metabolically-active muscle tissue), which is clearly not desirable.
So before you decide that you need to "lose weight", remember to consider that "weight" consists of both lean body mass and body fat. Try to keep your weight loss goals realistic, and remember, keep the calorie-burning muscle, and lose only the fat.
Here's the URL, in case you want to check it out. Love yawl - see you tomorrow!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Our Deepest Fear
-Marianne Williamson