Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 9

Well except for the fact that I missed my workout yesterday due to tooooo much work in the yard, I had a pretty good week. I did all my normal exercises and even got a real run in on Thursday afternoon. The one bad thing this week is that my wife decided to make no bake cookies and leave them out on the counter. Drivers me crazy.... because I couldn't stop at just one... two... three... four cookies later I had to hide them in the fridge. Thank goodness for good workouts I still lost 2 pounds for the week. I am closing in on my goal. Two more weigh days before the final weigh in. That isn't much time we can all get a few more pounds. So until later.... laters.


  1. I know, I made the cookies for a neighbor & gave them most of them, but we still had alot left. I'll try to only make gross treats this week, HA! You did great anyway!

  2. Yah, those treats! BUT guess what - the other day Kaleb wanted cookies so I was going to just give in and make some because I hardly do for them since this Lose it thing. I asked him what kind he wanted and he asked for those Oatmeal Raisin cookies Juli gave me the recipe for! I was shocked, but happy because I knew I'd eat some too. So the good is rubbing off on the little ones too. Good work on losin' 2 Arik, that's awesome! And good luck on your eating out. There really are good choices still to be made at restaurants, lots of yummy salads, with dressing on the side of course for dipping. Mmmmm. Have fun!
