Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jenni - week 8

Hello my sweet family! It's great to read about your week, each week. I'm going to miss that next month! Maybe we should start some other challenge, or discussion blog so we can keep in touch still. I love it. I lost another 2 pounds this week. I'm up to 15!!!!! That's a good number. Hoping to keep it up. And it's been cool measuring my waist each week also. I've lost 5 inches so far since we started. I feel great. I can't really remember the week, it went by so fast, yet slow. I can't really describe it. But I did still exercise and made good eating choices. We even took our Laurel's to Richfield to watch the boys B-ball at state. I brought some jolly ranchers and carrots to share. It was so funny. I passed back the jolly ranchers and everyone took one and then a while later I passed around the carrots, and I got "the look". Then one girl decided to join me. And we ate at Wingers, and I chose a salad with grilled chicken instead of the desired wings with ranch. And I was still full and it was great. I'm cheating a little today by eating a few bites here and there since Burke's parents are here. But not too much that I feel bad. That's the key for me - not to eat a bunch, just enough to taste and actually enjoy it. Burke's dad made him a High Priest today. So it was his first day in class with the "old guys". Someone mentioned it was good to have another young one in there so that someone would be listening to the lesson instead of sleeping. So funny! It was a neat day. ....and I'm rambling - ok I'm done. :) bye


  1. Congratulations to Burke. How nice that his mom and dad were there so his dad could ordain him What a great day. Also, congratulations on losing weight and inches. Can't wait to see you!

  2. Good job Jen, even at the ol' ball game you remain a prisoner of your conviction. Love your spirit of movin' on despite the upward grade! Burke, this is your chance to slip some true doctrine in on the old guys, to see if they're really asleep - it's always fun!

  3. I totally agree, we need to make a new challenge or use it somehow to share things going on! Wow Jenni, I can't believe how much you've lost! I didn't think you had that much to lose! You are a good motivater for Arik, you're prob so close in % lost! Ah! 4 weeks to go! I'm excited to see you guys. Hey, and that is so neat that Burke's Dad was there today & ordained him today. I love you, keep up the good work.

  4. Go Jenni!!!!!!!!! I'm proud of you. I just don't see how you guys keep this eating healthy thing up. You're a great motivator for me, thanks for checking up on me and making sure I'm still going. Luf you
