Sunday, March 13, 2011

Holding On

I think our bodies may sense that the end is near, and that this 'temporary lifestyle change' may be over soon; of course, the hints of returning to 'old ways' may be confusing to our bodies also. During the next few weeks we need to put something into our heads that gives our bodies a strong message that a new challenge is on the horizon - hurry, think of something!

Let's continue on with Lose It II, and think of new areas for healthful development and strengthening; maybe we could continue with strengthening and toning exercises, and plan a 50 mile hike or bike trek, or something that requires us to continue good habits. Bring your ideas to the weigh-in, so we know how Jenni needs to modify the blog heading.

BO n' GO flat-lined this week, seeking a lower watermark through this next week. I'm finally at the end of my cold (feed a cold, ya know), and Gail is mid-point, so this next week should be interesting. We love you, and are glad we can share in your little successes, and not so successes. Til' We Meet Again at the Scales Next Sunday (Juli, write a country western song about that), aloha!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you guys are still sick. Hope it goes away today! I think the toning idea is great or the 50 miler, heck lets do it all! I'm game!!!
