Monday, March 7, 2011

Holding steady

So lately my motivation to eat good and exercise has only lasted for a few hours at a time about once or twice a day. As a result, I haven't lost anything, but I also haven't gained anything back so I'll consider it a minor victory. Robyn reminded me of some promises in my Patriarchal blessing regarding following the precepts of the Word of Wisdom, and for the first time I saw it as not only a promise, but also a warning. This week I'm planning to go to bed at a decent hour, (my largest Word of Wisdom infraction), then get up earlier so I can exercise before work. I had been working out on lunch break with a coworker, but we've both gotten so sick of it that we've been taking turns making excuses to skip it. Maybe morning workouts will work better and motivate to eat well the rest of the day too.


  1. That's neat to see those things in your blessing. That is motivation. I should go read mine! Good luck this week, you'll do great!

  2. You can do this Richard!! Sorry I haven't been much help lately but I'll do better. Luf you!!!
