Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gone Green

I had to take some pictures of our ritual that happens at our house daily.  Green Smoothies.  

 Sprouted wheat being soaked for an aid in not getting sick over the winter.

 Sprouting lots of things to get a bunch of added nutrients to our diets.
We've been doing really well...until Kaiya's b-day hit and then baptism.  We are starting up again tomorrow.  A few day break and Kaleb was actually asking for a Green Smoothie tonight!!!  That was awesome.  Didn't think that would EVER happen!  :)

1 comment:

  1. NICE!!! Wow, those are super green, your kids are amazing. Arik and I are starting to blend. Ours are purple, can't handle the green yet. I tried sprouting garbonzo beans & it didn't work. I'm sprouting a mixture of alfalfa, and other things I don't recall right now. mmmm. LOVE IT! Keep it up, love you!
