Sunday, September 11, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

I lost another 2 lbs. this week.  Wahooo!  It is amazing.  During our last challenge I worked out twice a day, every day, except for Sundays.  This week I worked out 3, maybe 4 days and just once each of those days!  This Green Smoothie business is working.  I don't feel as hungry and when I do and I drink my drink and try to eat more raw things, I lose weight.  It just happens.  I still ate what we ate at Bunko and things like that.  Anyway, I'm just really enjoying learning about what good food can do for the body, my body.  It is a fun journey!

Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm back

OK, so I'm starting this up again myself. It's embarrasing, but since we stopped this thing in April I gained 9 pounds!!! That is not good. We traveled a lot during the summer and had a lot of yummy things to eat, especially in San Diego, it was worth it - I have to say! BUT August 11th I started doing the Green Smoothie thing and started losing 2 lbs a week, except for this week, (so that's 4 gone) but that's ok. I didn't exercise well this week and ate more than I should have. I'm getting better at listening to my body and feel the pains when I eat something I shouldn't. The green smoothies have given me a new energy that I haven't had in a long time. It's really been a blessing. I'm hopeful it will take away a lot of my health problems.